
The salary range for people working in Bulgaria in Construction & Real Estate is typically from 761 USD (minimum salary) to 1,931 USD (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

This is the total monthly salary including bonuses. Salaries can vary drastically among different job positions. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, please choose it from the list.

Net monthly salary in category Construction & Real Estate
10% earn less 761 USD
10% earns more 1,931 USD
Salaries may vary by position, the value given is indicative.

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632 - 1,731 USD
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894 - 1,796 USD
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Building Control Surveyor

611 - 1,695 USD
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Building Technician

828 - 1,965 USD
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644 - 1,398 USD
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Civil Engineer

822 - 1,977 USD
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Construction Manager

851 - 2,243 USD
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Construction worker

635 - 1,980 USD
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Crane Operator

847 - 1,965 USD
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Design Engineer

770 - 1,789 USD
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Estate Agent

672 - 2,926 USD
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Finishing works in constructions

641 - 1,766 USD
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758 - 1,601 USD
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Floor Layer, Paver

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485 - 1,766 USD
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Industrial Climber

590 - 3,345 USD
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Interior Designer

693 - 1,750 USD
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Land Surveyor/Geodesist

785 - 1,510 USD
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Landscape Architect

681 - 1,435 USD
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Mainentenance worker

557 - 1,378 USD
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842 - 1,646 USD
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Production Manager

798 - 3,228 USD
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Project Manager

1,166 - 2,912 USD
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Property Manager

791 - 2,631 USD
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Real Estate Appraiser

773 - 2,130 USD
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Refrigeration Mechanic

804 - 1,679 USD
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713 - 2,550 USD
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770 - 1,715 USD
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Spatial Planner

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834 - 1,551 USD
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